ExecutiveSurf: how about a new normal


How about a new normal

Halve your recruitment spend

I believe that the current client/ supplier paradigm in recruitment is not fit for purpose. To my knowledge, rarely is the hiring transaction followed by a warm and fuzzy glow of a job well done, truly worth the fee the recruiter charged. The prevailing reaction is, “Meh, coulda done it myself if I had the time. We got the right guy but jeez those guys aren’t cheap”. I had a recruitment epiphany during lock-down: in the same way a chinese doctor charges his patient for the time that he is fit and well (not for the service of healing an illness) why don’t we recruiters charge our clients for the time that our candidate is working out – but really working out – in their new job. If we bill on a subscription basis, wouldn’t that encourage us to make darned sure the candidate we find is right not just as a ‘placement’, but is right over the long term. The two things are not the same.

Let’s call it TaaS; talent as a service.

Check out this series of clips…

Please contact us on taas@executivesurf.com or call on +44 20 77291837


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