ExecutiveSurf: change the narrative


Change the narrative

Halve your recruitment spend

The quote: ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ can probably be traced back to Plato. Who was probably in lockdown or just lost his furlough payment at the time.
The Black Death of 1346 is said to have driven the invention of the printing press as the plague killed off the monks who were the only ones capable of transcribing a manuscript. The resulting glut of rags made the price of paper plummet. Oil based inks were invented which prepared the ground for the press.
Newton developed his theory of gravity during the plague lockdown of 1665.
Edison invented the lightbulb during the long recession of 1873 whilst out of work and relying on his Dad for cash.
Von Linde invented refrigeration during the same recession and Griffith stumbled across DNA whilst researching ad vaccine for the Spanish Flu.
Internet and email was invented during the Cold War.
Airbnb and Microsoft were born during recessions and Salesforce, Google and Facebook were born immediately prior to recessions and took their first tentative steps whilst those recessions were raging.
Talent as a Service by ExecutiveSurf was born in 2020…

Please contact us on taas@executivesurf.com or call on +44 20 77291837


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