ExecutiveSurf: an epiphany


An epiphany

Halve your recruitment spend

Why don’t we ring a bell, sound a horn, crack open the champagne at ExecutiveSurf when we make a placement – on the day we send that juicy placement invoice?
It all started to make sense over lock-down. It’s because we only feel like our job has been well done at least a year or two after our candidate has joined our client and we’re sure that they’ve over-performed and their new role has seriously exceeded their expectations.
Now that’s true recruitment job satisfaction.
Crazily idealistic? We don’t think so. And we’ll prove it. We’ll bill for a placement on a subscription basis. We’ll only ever make a profit on a placement until our candidate has been performing for well over a year. We’ll celebrate when our job is truly done, not when it’s all still a hope, a belief or a promise.

Not SaaS; software as a service. TaaS; Talent as a service.

Here’s clip 2

Please contact us on taas@executivesurf.com or call on +44 20 77291837


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