Let me tell you about Mansplaining

Mansplaining Mansplaining is a term used to describe the act of a man explaining something to a woman in a condescending or patronizing manner, often assuming that she has little knowledge or understanding of the subject. The term is a combination of the words “man” and “explaining,” and it is commonly used in the context […]

Will I be replaced by ChatGPT at work? Part 2

I typed the title of last week’s article into the ChatGPT website and within 20 seconds it had written the following article.  As an AI language model, I don’t have any control over hiring or firing decisions made by your employer. However, it’s important to keep in mind that AI and automation technologies are being […]


Our Cause

We will fight for a world where everyone feels safe, valued, able to grow, and be inspired by their role and the organisation that they work for. And that starts with us…


Our Cause

We will fight for a world where everyone feels safe, valued, able to grow, and be inspired by their role and the organisation that they work for. And that starts with us…